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Top Ten Tips for Landing Page Designs


From whence they came:
Keep your message exactly the same on the landing page as the copy/anchor text that brought your visitor to the landing page in the first place. Don’t make your visitor think about this one, make it clear that they are where they thought they would be would the click to your site. Your landing page copy may expand on the message, but the headings, subheadings, and wording for the offerings that were in the external posting, ad, or email should be relatable to the landing page.


So you want a tactful, beautiful design? That’s a start. But if you don’t make the subject and the call-to-action noticeable, people will love your good design and actually not get the message, or at least not clearly enough.

Imagine, your banner is being read by someone in a cafe, whether a poster or an online posting. And while they’ve notice the design and image, they have yet to grasp the who or what, let alone where or how, when suddenly,

…they see someone they know and start a conversation. Now you’ve lost them. They’ll remember the intriguing design and a hint of what it’s about, but never who it was from or what you wanted them to do.


Test it out. You want a beautiful, tactful design; it captures enough attention, right? So design your initial landing page in this way.

Now change it up, really, change the color of your buttons and links, make them pop – make sure, if your audience reads nothing else, they read your headline.

Now, using a/b split testing (which you should be able to set up in any landing page program or framework, or in any email campaign software) and test out which landing page design gets the most hits.


Powerful ideas. I don’t advocate for “power words” in the sense of sensationalism. Don’t add a dilemma that really doesn’t exist and keep us all walking around afraid, paranoid, and overly self-conscious. Instead state the truth of it without having to use sensational tactics.

Make the headline and the wording work for you as you go against the trends. Now that stands out; but here’s the caveat for this tip, make sure it reads exactly as your intend. Here is a memorable example of bucking the trends, in the middle of our SUV popularity came along the mini cooper. And that small fun ride is still a hit.


Tone. What is the language of your audience and how would they speak.


Remember the necessary sections of a landing page
— A headline and if appropriate a tagline
— That relevant, can’t resist further inspection, image
— A brief description that emphasizes your offering. Add testimonials if possible or demonstrations through visuals or video.
— And most importantly, a form to capture your audience’s information.


Your call-to action-form should be very simple, only ask for the information you need. This form could be to subscribe, or to gather information in order to download the offer, or to ask a question about the product or service. Ask what is appropriate for you and what your audience would respond to in order to complete the form.

When possible make the form appear short – line up the form labels with the data input fields.


Keep all the elements in 4) and 5) above-the-fold.


Less is more. Make it clever, but not at the expense of clear. Develop simple sentences, one to two sentence paragraphs, plenty of spacing. Keep your form request clearly positioned.


Encourage social sharing – make it an easy click.

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